To pay your bill, please enter your reference number below
Other Payment Options
We are committed to ensuring our clients have access to the latest in payment technology and have teamed with RapidPay to provide a range of convenient and secure payment options.
The following payment options are available to enable you to pay your bills or transfer money into our trust account:
Credit card, either via our website, telephone or in person
BPAY from your cheque or savings account
To pay by credit card over the internet please click on our Pay Now button on the top right hand corner and enter the RapidPay reference number found on the front of your invoice / anticipated deposit.
To pay by credit card over the telephone please call us on the number listed under Contact Us and have your RapidPay reference number in hand.
In Person
To pay by credit card in person please visit us at our address found under Contact Us and bring with you your invoice / anticipated deposit.
Payments via credit card will be processed by RapidPay and will display as RapidPay Legal on your credit card statement.
*Note a credit card surcharge fee may apply if you pay via credit card. This fee is levied by RapidPay and is dependent on the card type you use, this fee will be displayed to you prior to you having to enter your credit card details.
To pay via BPAY from your cheque or savings account through your financial institution, enter the biller code and your RapidPay reference found on the front of your invoice / anticipated deposit.
Other Payment Options
Should you wish to pay via another option we also accept:-
Electronic funds transfer
Please contact us for further information as to how you can pay via these alternate methods.

Get in Touch
If you would like to confidentially discuss a legal matter with the team at Kerr & Kerr Partners, please reach out to us via the button below.